Why Do We Need Consideration in Contract

When it comes to drafting a contract, it`s crucial to include a consideration clause. Consideration is a legal term that refers to something of value that is exchanged between parties to a contract. It is an essential element of a legally enforceable agreement and is necessary for the formation of a valid contract. In this article, we will discuss the importance of consideration in contracts.

What is consideration in a contract?

Consideration refers to something of value that is given in exchange for something else of value. It can be in the form of money, goods, services, or promises. In a contract, each party must offer something of value to the other party. This exchange of consideration is what distinguishes a contract from a gift.

Why is consideration important in a contract?

Consideration is an essential element of a legally enforceable agreement. Without consideration, a contract is not valid. The exchange of consideration shows that the parties have entered into the contract voluntarily and have agreed to be bound by its terms.

Consideration also ensures that both parties receive something of value from the agreement. For example, if you enter into a contract to purchase a product, you are offering consideration in the form of money. In exchange, the other party is offering consideration in the form of the product. This ensures that both parties benefit from the agreement.

Finally, consideration is necessary for the courts to enforce the contract. If one party fails to fulfill their obligations under the contract, the other party can seek legal remedies in court. However, if there is no consideration, the court will not enforce the contract.

What are some examples of consideration in a contract?

Consideration can take many forms in a contract. Here are some examples:

1. Payment of money in exchange for goods or services.

2. A promise to perform a service in exchange for a promise to pay.

3. An agreement to transfer ownership of property in exchange for something of value.

4. A promise not to sue in exchange for a cash payment.


In conclusion, consideration is an essential element in a contract. It ensures that both parties benefit from the agreement and that the contract is legally enforceable. When drafting a contract, it`s important to include a consideration clause that clearly outlines the exchange of value between the parties. By doing so, you can protect your rights and ensure that the contract is valid.